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Energy efficiency in industry

Unique Test Lab for Energy Efficiency Solutions

The Green PET Lab will be a national testing and advisory facility for energy efficiency, located in the southern Danish city of Sønderborg. It will benefit companies working with green solutions and products, and help them achieve or sustain a competitive advantage on the global market by offering a world-class testing facility.

- In Focus: Denmark: a world-leading lab for green technologies

Accelerated reality: Realistic product life cycle testing
The Green PET Lab will place Denmark at the forefront of new test methods where products will be tested in life-like conditions in an “accelerated reality” scenario. This implies testing new products on several parameters in combination, including simultaneous tests of humidity, temperature and vibration. The idea is that new green technologies and solutions will be exposed to the conditions of the global market, for example earthquakes or power outages in emerging markets – all in the same testing lab.
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This way the products will go through a realistic life cycle in a very short span of time, which will help to uncover potential weaknesses up front. Moreover, the Test Lab will help establish the expected length of a product’s life cycle. In combination this will give small and medium sized companies more efficiency in the stages of product development, and ensure that new green solutions can enter the market as quickly as possible.
A regional test hub
Construction of the Green PET lab is expected to begin towards the end of this year. Behind the project is the national Lean Energy Cluster, in collaboration with amongst others DELTA, the University of Southern Denmark and several companies, including Danfoss, Lodam & Siemens.


The southern location of Sønderborg for the test lab is no coincidence. This region of Denmark is home to more than 80 companies working with energy efficiency, and the vision is to make the test lab a regional hub for tests, counselling and research within energy efficiency.
Big picture: GreenLabs DK
GreenLabs DK is a programme that supports the establishment of large-scale facilities for testing and demonstration of new climate and energy technologies. Commercial companies that need testing of their products or prototypes can use the world class facilities to obtain test results to certify their products.
- Read more about GreenLabsDK
The programme primarily focuses on efficient energy use and renewable energy, but can also support all technology types which can contribute making Denmark independent of fossil fuels.
Green Labs DK fills a void in the Danish innovation chain. By establishing test facilities Green Labs DK enables the testing and demonstration of new energy technologies that small and medium-sized companies often do not have the economic latitude to facilitate themselves. This furthers utilisation and development of the industrial potential of benefit to growth and job creation in Denmark.
Source: Invest in Denmark
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Energy efficiency in buildings
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